Shabbat Update
Saturday, November 04, 2006
I'm finding as I'm getting into this blog that the posts I want to make are going to take more than five or ten minutes to write. In an effort to keep my content fresh while I expound on more timeless (and timely) issues, I'm going to start posting some links to various news articles and items of interest I've clicked into during the past week. I'd love to see this develop into yet another way we in the believing blogosphere can network together, so don't hesitate to drop me a line if you have something you'd like to include in the next Shabbat Update!
Shabbat Message of the Week:
Pastor Mark McLellan, Kehilat T'nuvah, Denver, CO.
I've enjoyed listening to Kehilat T'nuvah's Shabbat messages for the past few weeks. They're a great resource for anyone looking to expound on their knowledge of G-d, and a great way for believers currently without a congregation to still have their souls fed on a weekly basis. This week's message is about as political a one as I've ever heard, and I can't help but wonder if the Pastor didn't get some flack for so boldly speaking the truth. (I hope not.) Overall, I've found Kehilat T'nuvah's Sabbath messages to be enlightening, encouraging, and intriguing, so I'd encourage you all to check them out!
From Around the Believing Blogosphere
Jamie Guinn remembers The Soldiers of Israel when he posts a moving montage of shots from the frontlines in Eretz Yisrael. Baruch haShem, it is evidence that even we in the believing community understand our connection to the Land. Too often, I see Messianics focusing solely on discussions about our halacha; this is integral, yet, we cannot neglect the fact that Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael are a PART of our halacha with the G-d of Israel!
Boaz Michael's family road trip has begun! Boaz, one of the founders of the Messianic ministry First Fruits of Zion, decided to embark on a "year long road trip across the country to build and strengthen relationships and find new friends of the Messiah and Torah." This will be an interesting blog to follow; finally, the believing community is using the Internet to their advantage to network and develop relationships with one another. We should all recall that the majority of the Brit Hadasha consists of letters from one talmid to another, or to a believing community. Truly, we are a people who stay connected through the words we write!
The Torah Guy asks, Who Did Isaiah See? In this thought-provoking mini-drash, we are reminded that loving the glory means testifying to it out loud. So, be bold and speak up!
Nate Long brings a conversation from Gentile for Judaism over to his blog when he asks, Who Was Yeshua? Warning: For those not fresh with what could best be termed Orthodox lingo, this may prove quite a read, but a worthwhile one nonetheless. Here we have a discussion on the role of Orthodox literature in the crafting of our halacha with Yeshua. This is a topic that will take on more and more relevance as the Torah-observant believing community grows; therefore, I can only encourage those of us who are on the ground level to sort out these issues now, lest we leave the next generation hanging.
If you have a beliving blog and you have a post you're proud of, send a link to me at theunifiedbody AT yahoo DOT com and I'll be glad to give it a read. Barring foul or inappropriate dialogue or subject matter, I'll be glad to link it up to the Shabbat Update.
Homeland Happenings
Iran successfully test-fired the Shebab-3 missle this week. The Shebab-3 can be equipped with nuclear warheads and Israel is within range. According to the Jerusalem Post's excellent analyst Caroline Glick, Israel has six months to attack Iran before their nuclear firepower becomes viable. This, on top of the fact that Iran and Syria have been arming and training Hamas/Fatah/Hizbullah guerillas for months. An estimated 7,500-10,000 of them are now in Gaza, watching and waiting for the orders to attack. If that weren't bad enough, the United States is now arming and training Palestinians, believing that they'll turn their weapons on Hamas, not Israel.
In an open letter titled, An Appeal of Faith to President George W. Bush, Israeli columnist Michael Freund details that, "...a growing number of my fellow Jews have begun to build underground nuclear shelters adjacent to their homes." He ends the letter with his own version of the blessing that ends the Torah, "Be strong, be strong, Mr. President, and through you, may we all be strengthened." It reminds me of a Pesach seder I attended in Texas, where, at the end, instead of singing "L'Shana Haba B'Yerushalayim" the family around me sang "G-d Bless America." I weep for Israel my people and will continue to do so until she turns to our G-d, for He is our sole source of salvation.
Being Jewish in America
Israpundit reports: John Kerry, et. al. Glad to Get Al-Aqsa Backing For months, Israpundit has hit hard on the Democratic PAC for its virulent anti-Semitic and racist hate speech. Now, thanks to World Net Daily, we're learning that the terrorists are doing a lot more than phoning it in when it comes to supporting the party. Even some self-hating Jews are in the mix.
Filmmaker Aaron Russo was on Israel National Radio this week talking about his new documentary America: From Freedom to Fascism, an in-depth study into how much power the Federal government really has in this nation, and how un-Constitutional that really is. The film is making the rounds in middle America; I'd be surprised if it ever made it to a theater on either coast. In a related note, Russo appeared on The Tamar Yonah Show, the show that also gave us Americans the inside scoop on the North American Union, aka SPP, with guest Jerome Corsi.
Human Dis-Interest
A student showed up at a University of Pennsylvania Halloween party dressed as a suicide bomber. Faculty had their pictures taken with them. ...And I was reminded of why I left academia.
If you have a blog entry, Shabbat podcast, Torah teaching, or news item you'd like to see included in the Shabbat Update, send a link to theunifiedbody AT yahoo DOT com. Barring any inappropriate or foul language/dialogue, I'll be glad to include it.
Hope you've enjoyed this Shabbat Update. Kol Tuv!
Israel, Judaism, Messianic Judaism, elections, Jewish
posted by Shoshana @ 5:02 PM