Zionism is Messianism
Monday, October 01, 2007
This is just one of the many reasons why Zionism MUST be considered an integral aspect of the Messianic Jewish movement.
I'm still stuck wondering why we Messianics spending so much time trying to "reclaim" our faith from the dying Church, when our brothers and sisters in the land-- the am ha'aretz Yeshua loved so much-- are literally fighting and dying in an ongoing battle to reclaim the land from enemy invaders (who are as much spiritual enemies as they are physical ones). Our identity crisis is about ego. Their identity crisis is about survival. We argue over matters of intellect from our comfortable, safe dwellings while our mishpocha in the land head off to basic training, wondering whether or not they'll survive the 6-week stint without having their heads blown off.
It's time for the Messianic community in the diaspora to get a grip and start focusing on what truly matters to our G-d, our Messiah, and our nation. If you want to argue ecumenical theory, do a cross-country conference tour to juice up, or stay satisfied with the same old same old, it's time for you to re-prioritize your thinking, fast. Stop hiding behind the Word and start living it. Israel isn't just an idea, a legend left to history or a concept trapped in heaven: Israel is here and now, and we are a part of it. Therefore, we are responsible to her and for her survival and success. Moreover, we are responsible to the G-d who created us and called us out to conquer and defend the land He has given us:
It is not because of your righteousness, or because your heart is so upright, that you go in to take possession of their land; but to punish the wickedness of these nations that ADONAI your God is driving them out ahead of you, and also to confirm the word which ADONAI swore to your ancestors, Avraham, Yitz'chak and Ya'akov. Therefore, understand that it is not for your righteousness that ADONAI your God is giving you this good land to possess.Our passion for our land is a witness, a testimony to the truth of the word of Adonai, and who is the Word made flesh, but Yeshua haMashiach? Standing up for Israel is the equivalent of acting as a living witness to the truth of Messiah!
Messianic Judaism
Labels: Israel, Messianic Judaism, Torah, Yeshua, Zionism
posted by Shoshana @ 5:35 PM