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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9

America Sold Out... to allah, for Challah- er- Dough

Back in December, the The JPost reported, "The Mossad claims that the Iranians will be able to develop a nuclear bomb by the end of 2009; Military Intelligence warns that Teheran will cross the technological threshold within six months; and now the Americans are putting the timeline toward the middle of the next decade, or 2013 at the earliest."

This week, Israpundit linked to an article at World Net Daily under the "HOMELAND INSECURITY" section, titled Islamist 'Trojan horse' in Pentagon, say experts FBI: Top defense advisers linked to radical Muslim Brotherhood
Hesham H. Islam, a special assistant to Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, recently criticized Maj. Stephen Coughlin, one of the military's leading authorities on Islamic war doctrine, for making the connection between the religion of Islam and terrorism.

After Islam lodged complaints, Coughlin's contract with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon was not renewed.
Better still, Islam is best-buds with a fellow Muslim Brotherhood member who also happens to be a U.S. Navy Chaplain. Islam's boss, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, recently dedicated an Islamic prayer center at Quantico based on Islam's buddy's suggestion. Need more info? Check out this companion post at Israpundit.

Israpundit also linked to a FrontPageMag article on Islam's relationship with corporate America, and what that might mean regarding the future of your investments. Along with the concern over the obvious implications of Muslims gaining controlling shares of stock in major American corporations (i.e.; forcible corporate giving to Islamic interests; running businesses according to Islamic principles), Jonathan Schanzer writes:
There is also a question of whether our new Middle Eastern partners seek the long-term success of the world financial system, upon which most Westerners rely to grow wealth and ensure a comfortable retirement. Indeed, Wahabbists – among which many Saudis and Emiratis can be counted – have little interest in the long-term viability of the U.S.-anchored world financial system. Wahabbists, in fact, seek to destroy the current world system and to return to the world to a time and place in which Islam reigns supreme. Buying out the U.S. stock market would be an easy way to destroy it from within.

Military and Economy. What's next, electing a guy with the middle name "Hussein" as President?

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posted by Shoshana @ 3:50 PM

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