Israel, In: America, Out
Sunday, June 15, 2008
"Islamofascism: Saudi money buys a lot in Washington…." Investors Business Daily via Israpundit:
Islamofascism: Saudi money buys a lot in Washington, even an extension of a lease to an Islamic school that graduates terrorists and teaches its students it's OK to kill non-Muslims.Oh, the State Department, whose infamous wrangler is none other than Condi "No More Building Jewish Homes In Jerusalem" Rice. Nice.
A federal panel wants the Islamic Saudi Academy inside the Beltway shut down for promoting hate, something we've urged for years. But remarkably, this madrassa still has powerful backers — including the State Department.
Are Oil Prices Being Manipulated to Help Obama? Bill Levinson via Israpundit:
Noting that bad economic conditions, and especially a recession, work against the party that currently holds the White House, it is possible to at least speculate that hostile foreign governments and/or other entities are manipulating oil prices to help Barack Obama. This April, Obama said something about $4/gallon gasoline when the price was still well below $3.50. How did he know that the price was going to exceed $4.00 by summer?Supreme Court Decision in Boumediene v. Bush Ted Belman, Israpundit
This decision by a 5 to 4 majority "found that the constitutionally guaranteed right of habeas corpus review applies to persons held in Guantanamo and to persons designated as enemy combatants on that territory."I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. For the past four years, I've been an avid blogger on two self-established forums: first, ConservaJew which was more political in nature, and now with The Unified Body, a blog that has taken on more of a spiritual nature, but is politically informed nonetheless. The majority of my blogging involves copying and pasting articles from other blogs and news sources and then taking a step back to analyze the big picture.
I've got to say that, after four years, the big picture ain't looking too good. At least, not in some ways. For America, the big picture looks increasingly grim, much like a Jackson Pollock schmear done late in life. For Israel, the big picture is somewhere between a Picasso blue and a bright Chagall, still farecht but nevertheless willing to allow a lot of light in to balance out the situation. In more simpler terms, or for those not artistically inclined, let me put it this way:
America has a candidate named Hussein running for President.
Israel is claiming to hold negotiations with Syria but building Jewish homes in Jerusalem and the West Bank anyway.
Adonai spoke through the prophet Zechariah, promising that Jerusalem would become "a cup that will stagger the surrounding peoples." In a way, this is already happening. Ever since the American government made it a priority to force Israel to give away the land, America has gone downhill-- and fast. The economy stinks. There are no jobs, hundreds of thousands of mortgages are in foreclosure, and the cost of commodities and oil are rapidly rising. Our government has signed away much of our national sovereignty, though NAFTA and through the Security & Prosperity Partnership-- a document that promises to unite Canada, Mexico & the US into a political trade union much like the EU. We have an apathetic generation who, overall, knows nothing of patriotism and is willing to support the election of a candidate who is cheered on by the Arab world-- aka, people bent on our destruction. America is staggering thanks to a generation's worth of poor choices and unG-dly decision making that put a series of anti-Israel politicians into key positions of power in our government. And now, the country is paying the price.
Israel, however, despite ongoing diplomatic and militant attacks from all sides is thriving. The Israeli GDP grew 5.4% in the first quarter, exceeding economists' expectations and the shekel is at an 11 year high against the dollar. Despite the seeming chaos surrounding Olmert's continued corruption expose, Shas has announced it will support dissolution, which will pave the way for early elections. Israeli politicians are already prepared, working together to form a new coalition titled the "Pro Land of Israel Parties" whose platform is this: " one sentence, the Land of Israel for the People of Israel according to the Torah of Israel, along with involvement in matters of education, social welfare, etc.". And let's not forget that the IDF is strong, and strongly against a nuclear-armed Iran-- they already made their statement in Syria last September; I don't think they'd mind CC'ing Iran on that memo.
And let's boil it down to Jerusalem:
Barack Obama makes hearty declarations about a unified Jerusalem at the AIPAC conference, only to "flip-flop" less than 24 hours later in the wake of Arab criticism by stating on CNN, "Obviously it is going to be up to the parties to negotiate a range of these issues, and Jerusalem will be part of those negotiations."
Israel, however, has a series of politicians forming coalitions and political parties based on maintaining a unified Jerusalem and a unified Israel. Perhaps they learned their lesson from Gush Katif. Or, perhaps, this is the beginning of the judgement hour, where Jerusalem will be the measuring stick by which all the nations on earth-- including the Jewish people--will be tested by G-d.
In any case, I am only left to wonder and led to believe that when the time comes for me to begin my next blogging venture the topic at hand will most likely be aliyah. The America that was a safe resting place for the Jewish people will soon be no more. Perhaps now is the hour when we are all being called back home.
Labels: aliyah, America, Israel, Jerusalem, Obama, Olmert, Zionism
posted by Shoshana @ 12:07 PM