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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9

The Sin of Omission

The Rabbis say that the first question you will be asked when you reach the other side is, "Were you honest in business?" If that's the case, the authors and reporters of the mainstream media will have to lie their pants off to get through the door.

Then again, that's what they're good at.

It isn't so much that they're reporting outright lies-- okay, well, they are-- but what is more amazing is what they aren't reporting. Like the IDF's discovery of a Hamas Map that details the use of civilian homes and locations in the Strip as battle stations. Or the video footage of Hamas using children as human shields. Or the IDF opening a humanitarian aid center for Palestinian "civilians" (if you could call them such a thing).

No, all you hear on stations like CNN are:

"Palestinians get basic goods through the tunnels" -- Because everyone knows that to get your kitchen sparkling clean, you need GRAD missles and Katuyshas. You know, BOMB the dirt out!

"The UN demands proof of militant presence on school grounds" despite the fact that they hired the school master who moonlighted as a Hamas leading operative.

A segment on "What Arabs See" at the top of the hour, so we can analyze how the "Death to Israel, Death to America" audience views the media of the Great and Little Satans.

Ideas to eliminate the "basic goods and weapons" tunnels, such as "building an 80-foot deep moat" (in sand), creating an "underground barrier" out of...busted up GRAD rockets?, or establishing an "international monitoring force" of... moonlighting Hamas agents.

And let's not forget the pictures of Arab kids drenched in bright red liquid that may be blood, but is probably Karo Corn Syrup and red food coloring (apparently the Palestinians major in terror, but they minor in drama).

What a joke.

And if the uprising of Muslims and pro-Muslim terror supporters around the globe (yes, including Europe, the UK, Canada, and America) isn't enough, now we have this:
The head of the Vatican Council, which remained silently 'neutral' while six million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis between 1939-45, today referred to Gaza as a 'concentration camp' (Hat Tip: Hot Air).
Nothing like Papa Nazi to set us Jooz straight.

Bottom Line: Thank G-d for Israeli bloggers. Read them, support them, and vote for them in blogger award contests. Without them, we would be absolutely clueless regarding the truth of this war.

And speaking of truth, thanks to IsraelMatzav: Zionism represents the Jews' refusal to depend upon world opinion

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posted by Shoshana @ 6:34 PM

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