Evangelical Support...Jewish Style
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Embrace Christian Evangelical Support [Jerusalem Post]
In highlighting the gifts of the Jewish people and giving an extremely brief overview of Islam and Christianity's relationship with the People of the Book for the past 2,000 years, Orthodox Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (TLC's Shalom in the Home) has declared that: How can Israel survive as a tiny democracy in a hostile sea of Arab tyranny? ...the new answer must be Christian love and support for the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
If this declaration doesn't shock you enough, check out the graphic the JPost editors decided to couple with the headline:

Although no caption is provided, I can tell you for a fact that that is none other than Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn of Hope of the World Ministries and Beth Israel Worship Center in northern New Jersey.
That's right: The Jerusalem Post associated a Messianic Jewish Rabbi with the idea of Evangelical support for Israel and the Jewish people.
Try wrapping your head around the semantics of that one.
I wonder what the Jewish embrace of Evangelical Christianity will mean for the Messianic community. In the article, Boteach voices his support for and alliance with the International Embassy of Christians and Jews, an organization that Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Bernis will be commenting on in the upcoming edition of the Messianic Times. I have the feeling that once I read his commentary, it will be time for me to voice some of my own opinions on the subject. For now, I'm more than pleased to just sit back and be amused by the irony of it all.
Messianic Judaism
Evangelical Christianity
posted by Shoshana @ 6:45 PM