Breaking News
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
U.S. Doubling America's Emergency Stockpile in Israel [Israel National News]
The U.S. Congress gave its approval this week to double the amount of American emergency equipment stockpiled in Israel. As part of the agreement, Israel is allowed to use the equipment in case of its own emergency, as happened this summer in the second Lebanon War.DEBKAfile: Olmert breaks Israel's nuclear silence in response to US defense secretary's nuclear stance and Iran's Holocaust denial conference
The House of Representatives also passed a bill to allow Israel to use up the remainder of the $9 billion guarantees previously approved for a three year period, which was extended by one year.
In addition, the Americans approved a motion to allow Israel to add up to $4.5 billion by 2011, thereby increasing special aid to Israel to help with war damages without having to approve additional funds.
The Israeli prime minister made his surprising disclosure Monday, Dec. 11: "Israel doesn't threaten any country," he said. "Iran openly, explicitly and publicly threatens to wipe Israel off the map. Can you see this on the same level when you are aspiring to have a nuclear weapon like the US, France, Israel and Russia?" the Israeli PM asked in an interview with the German TV station N24 Sat.Israel Prepares to Fight Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran [China Confidential via Israpundit]
This was the first Israeli official admission of the possession of nuclear weapons.
DEBKAfile's military sources report that Olmert decided on this step in response to US defense secretary Robert Gates' listing of Israel as among the nuclear states surrounding Iran to explain Tehran's search for a nuclear deterrent of its own. He was the first American official to confirm Israel had a nuclear weapon and did so without consulting Jerusalem.
Olmert chose his journey to Germany, which coincided with the opening in Tehran of a conference negating the Holocaust, for his shock disclosure. This conference is taken in Israel as a vehicle for attacking Zionist legitimacy and so justifying Iran's ambition to destroy the Jewish state. Olmert used the opportunity to remind Iran's rulers that Israel possesses a large stock of nuclear weapons capable of not only smashing Iran's nuclear facilities but also disabling its infrastructure. ...
Early Warning: Israel is preparing for war against its implacable, Iranian-backed, Islamist foes, Hamas and Hezbollah, and their secular ally, Syria.Wake up, Messianic Community, and realize where we are at on G-d's timeclock!
Preparations are also underway for possible preemptive strikes against Iran itself in order to end its nuclear weapons program.
Israeli military commanders and intelligence analysts are increasingly convinced that Iran is masterminding a plan for a multifront assault on the Jewish state, which could commence early next year. ...
Oh, wait, I forgot; you're too busy deciding between Christmas and Hanukkah [*Ahem* PATHETIC *Ahem*] while the modern-day Maccabees are out there fighting to save your ambivalent tuchuses.
Israel Zionism Judaism Christian Zionism Messianic Judaism current events
posted by Shoshana @ 9:10 AM
- At 9:35 PM, said...
Hm, Shoshana. I wonder, do you believe there is any negotiable peace with the Islamist leaders? I don't think that Israel's adversaries are very excited about compromise (when half of Jerusalem, all the Gaza strip and 90% of the West Bank was offered to Arafat, he refused!) They seem to prefer wiping all traces of the State of Israel off the map. How can we come to some form of a negotiation towards peace with them, when they don't seem to want one? I can't abide to see all-out war.
As for the Christmas vs. Chanukkah thing, Chanukkah ALL THE WAY! I'll choose the holiday of G-d every time! Messianic Jews shouldn't even be debating this; if they want to do the Feast of Dedications, the celebration of Lights, Messianic-style, the following or something similar should be tried:
Shalom. - At 8:39 AM, Shoshana said...
do you believe there is any negotiable peace with the Islamist leaders?
HAHAHAHAHA, that's a good one. In my opinion, why would we even want to bother negotiating, period? It's our turn to wipe them off the face of the earth. Then again, I'm a fan of Ann Coulter's way of doing battle with the enemy, with one caveat; I say, convert them to Messianic Judaism (instead of Christianity).
I can't abide to see all-out war.
Believers, especially American believers, tend to have this very lovingly generic anti-war stance. I'd like to attribute this to the fact that the majority of them are only now beginning to see the validity and necessity of reading the Tanak with as much interest as they do the Brit Hadasha. (Now, I can't speak for you personally, of course, this is just what I've noticed in general.)
In even the most cursory reading of the Tanak we learn that the land of Israel was taken through a series of battles. Why should it be any different now? HaShem ordered Yhoshua and his men to go in and kill every last one of the enemy- women and children included- quite often. (This was a popular battle tactic for David haMelekh as well.) War is a part of who Adonai is, and who He expects His people to be. Hence His name, "Adonai Tz'vaot" L-rd of Hosts/L-rd of the Heavenly Armies.
Granted, anyone who pays attention to current events knows that Israel is facing war on a minimum of three physical fronts (Lebanon to the North, Syria to the East, Hamas in Gaza to the West). Ideologically/Spiritually, of course, the war is on all fronts- I believe the American government (not necessarily the American people) falls into the category of Israel's enemy as well at this point. In the physical, things do not look good for our nation at this hour. However, as David Ben Gurion once said, "in Israel, to be a realist, you must believe in miracles."
What we must do as believers- what is fully required of us- is to start thinking from HaShem's perspective. Yhoshua did- and we won the land. Many believers must also come to the understanding that the same Messiah who said "when you are smited on the right cheek, turn to him the other" was present when Adonai ordered, "As for the towns of these peoples, which Adonai your G-d is giving you as your inheritance, you are not to allow anything that breathes to live." (Deut. 20:16)
I'll choose the holiday of G-d every time!
Baruch haShem! I followed the link you posted and find the Machzor interesting. I believe there is some irony in the fact that the only Biblical mention of Chanukah comes in Yochanan 10:22 and directly involves Yeshua, the shamas and light of the world.
May you be blessed this Chanukah with the shalom that comes from understanding the Emet of Messiah.