Shabbat Update 11/18
Sunday, November 19, 2006
This Week's Torah Parsha, Chayei Sarah is up at Chavurat Achim. It is interesting to note that thousands of Orthodox Jews in Israel flock to Sarah's tomb for the reading of this parsha every year.
I'm trying to find more congregations/ministries with audio teachings online. Although my schedule is tight, I'm always looking to listen to new things. If you know of any audio resources online, please drop me a line with some links!
Seminar Alert! First Fruits of Zion is hosting a one-day teaching entitled "The Last Days: Hanukkah and the Rise of the Anti-Christ" at various locations around the country. You can learn more at the FFOZ Conference Page. If anyone is attending and plans to post a blog entry on the topic or has any commentary to share, please please send me a link.
In the Believing Blogosphere:
Nate Long posts a quote worth contemplating that reminds me of the joy I receive when I am around the am haaretz that Yeshua loved so much. (In 21st century American speak, we would call it "Keepin' it real.")
Victor seconds the love for the average people, who are prophesied to make fools of the wise.
In Google Blog searching for this week's roundup, I came across a Brazilian blog post discussing kosher laws, Torah, and Yeshua. Now, my Spanish and French are rusty, and my Portugese is non-existent, but from what I can assuage, we've got a Torah-observant Messianic believer in Brazil here! I think that's pretty cool and deserves a hearty Baruch haShem. So, if you speak any of these languages, or feel like learning a new one, check out: Quando Yeshua Eliminou os Requisitos de Kashrut da Torah? at Shema Israel.
A Roundup of News Articles from the Week:
Anti-Semitism on the Rise Worldwide [Israel National News]
The number of attacks against Jews in New York City rose by 20 percent since 2005, from 39 to 47 in the period from January 1 to November 5.
...European Jewish communities in 25 different countries participated in the study by the European Jewish Congress which found that anti-Semitic sentiments in the European continent have doubled since the beginning of the summer.
According to Professor Dina Porat, co-coordinator of the conference, the research showed a significant change in the attitudes toward Jews in moderate sectors of the European population as well as in more extremist groups.
NY Times: Cracks in US-Israel Ties [Israel National News]
"Many Israelis feel that the free world under the leadership of the U.S. is facing a similar situation to Europe in the 1930s, when they watched the re-arming of the Nazi Reich. No one could predict the global catastrophe 10 years later, and Iran may be the same."
New U.S. Defense Secretary Backs Talking with Iran [Israel National News]
Israel "could have reason for concern about the resignation of...Rumsfeld" because Gates has backed calls for dialogue with Iran. [Ed. Note: Sounds like someone's been talking to Caroline Glick.]
JPost Supplement on the 2006 General Assembly in Los Angeles This year's GA is focusing on ways to strengthen bond between N. American Jewry and the people of Israel.
In the ongoing coverage of the 2006 General Assembly, the JPost printed an article titled US group seeks to get young Jewish activists involved in Israel After reading this, I wonder, what Messianic groups are doing to get young Messianics involved in Israel. From what I've observed, I'm sorry to say that the answer is not much. The usual answer, given in a somewhat defensive tone, is that Messianics aren't welcome to become citizens of the land. My question in return is, who defines your ownership in the land of Israel; G-d, or the bureaucrats?
The Jerusalem Post reported on the aftershocks of the haredi reaction to the gay pride parade in Jerusalem in, Burning Hatred. Explaining the difference between the violent sects of haredim, versus the average ultra-Orthodox Jew, reporter Gil Zohar writes:
Founded in 1919, the Eda Haredit is a coalition of a number of groups of mitnagdim (opponents) and Hassidim such as Toldot Aharon, Satmar and Jerusalem Hassidim. The extremist sect, well known for its kosher food certification, should not be confused with ultra-Orthodox society as a whole, which is also called haredi, meaning trembling [before God].Zohar gives a more objective take on the actions, often violent, always empassioned, taken by this haredi sect in protest against the gay pride festivities. In doing so, he paints an accurate portrayal of the ultra-orthodox sect that has been coming under increasing fire, as of late, for the violent actions spurred on by their Rabbinic beliefs. It is important for the reader to note the difference between this haredi sect versus the ultra-Orthodox, Orthodox, and modern Orthodox in general. In recognizing the differences, we can more clearly recognize a halacha based in Torah, versus a halacha based in the traditions and passions of men.
From Israpundit:
Wafa Sultan, Muslim critic, says that Bush is undermining the battle against Muslim barbarism (and she's right)
Israel is debating on giving large portions of the West Bank to Palestinians in exchange for promises of a ten year "hudna" In English, Hudna translates to "Time to rearm and re-train"
The West has nothing to offer Iran and Syria but Israel That's us Jews: the scapegoats and the bargaining chips of the world...
Have you said your prayers for your people and your land today?
Plans for this week: Due to the upcoming holiday and an increasingly busy personal schedule, I'm probably going to be cutting back on the posts for a while. My goal for this week is to get Part Three of my Mishpocha series up and running. The Shabbat Update most likely won't be happening, although, if there are any major news stories I will do my best to link them up.
Bevakasha, accept my wishes for a kol tuv and a blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy the history of our nation as you sit down to your turkey dinner. It's a good and blessed history, one that has a lot of respect for and ties to the Jewish people and Yisrael. For instance, did you know that Ben Franklin proposed that the great seal of America contain a depiction of Moshe standing before the parted Red Sea? As a colonist who recently won his freedom, he drew a strong correlation between the liberated Israelites and his own fellow countrymen, who had been granted freedom by Providence. Baruch haShem. Embrace America's history; we'll need that revolutionary spirit when we help to rebuild Eretz Yisrael!
Messianic Judaism
posted by Shoshana @ 8:57 AM