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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9

Chanukah, O Chanukah

Chappy 6th Day of Chanukah!

I am SWAMPED. It's the holiday season, which means chaos abounds with these crazy goys in my midst. Oy, I can't wait until I can sit down to a nice Chinese food dinner on the 25th and make it a Blockbuster night.

I wanted to leave a quick post to tip off my beloved readers to a GREAT Jewish band, Blue Fringe. Billed as "America's favorite Jewish rock band," Blue Fringe "mixes rock, pop, funk, and R&B with contemporary Jewish themes." I received their album 70 Faces a few nights ago and have been soaking it in. I can't express to you how great it is to listen to a song about a shidduch instead of all that "courting" and "staying pure til marriage" bilge coming from the Christian world. Blue Fringe also provides the added bonus of singing in Hebrew as well as English. I knew I was sold after listening to the first track, Lo Irah, with its line:
V'haikar lo L'fached klal. Hashem li v'lo irah
[The main point is not to fear. G-d is with me, I will not fear.]

Seriously, how awesome is that? And how great is it to just rock out to your Jewishness? The Blue Fringe site provides audio clips as well as full lyrics for all their albums. Check it out and rock with your Jewish self.

Chanukah Gifts!!!

Israel National Radio is currently in the midst of their 16-hour fundraising telethon. Check out the live broadcast and considering sharing some of your gelt with the "only major media network with headquarters in the disputed Israeli territories." Arutz7 provides valuable insights from a G-dly perspective to a world full of listeners hungry for the truth behind the major media spin. Over the past year, I've learned about the disasterous North American Union from Dr. Jerome Corsi via the Tamar Yonah Show. I've also been fortunate enough to tap into the brilliant insights of Dr. Eugene Narrett via Tovia Singer, and Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel have focused their efforts on building Jewish-Christian relations on A Light Unto the Nations. These are only a few of the shows that come to mind when I think of how much I've learned from these Israelis, many of whom are recent olim from America! Israel National Radio also broadcasts the annual Israel Day Parade and Concert in New York LIVE every year. Israel National Radio is not only a great radio station, it's an immensely powerful resource for anyone seeking to learn the truth of what's going on in the world, how it correlates to prophecy, and how we as good, Torah believing Jews should respond. Definitely check them out.

Baruch haShem for Chanukah!
Baruch haShem for Yisrael!
Baruch haShem for Yeshua, the Living Torah, and His love that endures forever!

Chag Sameach Mishpocha! Rejoice in your Jewishness during this season of rededication!

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posted by Shoshana @ 9:03 AM


At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Messianic Judaism has its own musical behemoth now too: Mr. Aviad Cohen.

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


As for that Chinese dinner, Shoshanna, I hear that oriental food has a notorious reputation of not being kosher.

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Shoshana said...

You're probably just not dining in the right spot:

"There is no such thing as "kosher-style" food. Kosher is not a style of cooking. Chinese food can be kosher if it is prepared in accordance with Jewish law, and there are many fine kosher Chinese restaurants in Philadelphia and New York. Traditional Ashkenazic Jewish foods like knishes, bagels, blintzes, and matzah ball soup can all be non-kosher if not prepared in accordance with Jewish law. When a restaurant calls itself "kosher-style," it usually means that the restaurant serves these traditional Jewish foods, and it almost invariably means that the food is not actually kosher."

From Judaism 101

From what I've read in the news lately, there's a hopping Chinatown in Tel Aviv.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Shoshana said...

Aviad is a nice guy, but musically he doesn't really do it for me. The fault really lies with his publicist and promoters, I think; with the different slogans he uses, i.e. "Reading Scripture Each Day Keeps Satan Away" and his new stance on myspace being "evil", he just comes off as sounding very gimmicky and Christianized.

I think it's awesome that he's a believer, and I think that following his journey is extremely illustrative of the emotions and experiences of many Jewish people who come to faith in Messiah. I pray for Aviad's strength every day, because I'm sure he has a lot of people talking in his ears right now, telling him what he should do, say, and think now that he's a "Messianic Jewish icon." That's an incredibly unfair amount of pressure to put on any new believer, let alone a young one. I hope the believing community can respect that and give Aviad his space to walk with Messiah in accordance with HaShem's will. Then, not only will Adonai be glorified, and the truth of Messiah will be made known, but the whole community will be blessed.


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