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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9

More Israeli By the Minute

Chalk these up on the list of reasons why I'm losing my taste for America:

Condi Rice says, "It’s Time For The Establishment Of A Palestinian State" [Israpundit]

U.S. micromanaged Israeli evacuation: Oversaw uprooting of small Jewish communities [World Net Daily]

Uuuggghhh. It makes me sick to my stomach that my tax dollars are supporting the people who enable the continued persecution of my people in their homeland. Talk about feeling dirty. And, FYI to any believer who thinks voting Republican in '08 will make a difference: If Condi's State Department hasn't made you think twice about the power and presence of neoconservatism (you know, the lastest "Jewish cabal" on Pennsylvania Avenue) check this out:

[Republican Front-Runner] Rudi [Giuliani] sets pre-conditions to negotiations with Palestinians [Israpundit]

Because we all know how viable a move it is to forward the promise of negotiations to a people whose term for "cease fire" implies that their silence will be temporal at best.

Judaism is Zionism. Scripture states and illustrates that the condition of the land is directly related to the condition of the people, and vice-versa. In fact, since the land is technically HaShem's and we are merely tenants, our presence in Israel and control over the territory is directly tied to our relationship with G-d: How personal do we want to get with our Creator who created us so that we could dwell with Him? Zionism is Judaism.

So, how can we as believers in a Messiah whose sacrifice has allowed us to attain the goal of a personal, living relationship with HaShem where He may sukkah with us, be anything less than passionate Zionists? Living in the land is the physical fulfillment of what we know to be a spiritual truth: That His Ruach is dwelling with us, just as He will dwell with us again in Yerushalayim. His Yerushalayim. Our Yerushalayim.

Eretz Yisrael Chai=Am Yisrael Chai.

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posted by Shoshana @ 8:41 PM

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