Dropping the Bomb
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Today, Iran tested 9 Shihab medium-to-long range missiles that could easily be equipped with nuclear material (for peaceful purposes). CNN was all over the story. During the noon-time report, Ben Wedeman, the Senior Jerusalem Correspondent, made a special point of "putting things in perspective" by noting that 2 of the prime-time news broadcasts in Israel did NOT carry the Iran missile test as their lead story. See? The Jews aren't worried, so why should the US care?
Somewhere over an ear piece I can hear a CNN producer screaming, "Because it makes for good ratings, Ben. Hello? The reason we're on-air 24-7 and charge ridiculous advertising rates to stay that way, maybe?"
If anything is more pre-fabbed than the media coverage of the Obama campaign (Access Hollywood, anyone? That's right, let's give them the real hard-hitting Maria Menounos to dish out some of those tough, still-unanswered questions about healthcare reform, the future of Social Security, the failing economy, diplomacy with Iran, and where Michelle finds such cute evening wear!) it's their sweeping, hard-hitting, rip-your-guts-out-with-a-Pulitzer coverage of the nuttiest guy in a monotone wardrobe since Hitler, aka, Ahmadinnerjacket. (I don't have to spell his name correctly, not because I'm an ignorant American, but because he's an idiot.) What a joke. Casually ignore all of his mega-televised speeches rife with Holocaust denial and proclamations about wiping Israel and America off the map, then get all blitzed over his soldiers test-firing missles that have been around since 2004. Thank G-d the prophets had a better source than Ted Turner.
And the whole "will they or won't they" endless barrage that has taken a nose-dive into the blogosphere regarding whether or not Israel will bomb Iran (or, shall I say, whether or not America will "permit" Israel to bomb Iran) has a drama-quotient that is truly Brangelina-worthy. America "permit" Israel-- to bomb a nation-- that seeks her destruction-- and happens to be rather nearby? Wait, no. Let me reason this out even more succinctly-- America PERMIT Israel? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's cute. You just watch-- one day, you'll turn on the news and Ben Wedemen will be diving for cover, because suddenly, without warning, Iran's nuclear facilities will be blasted to allah and all he'll be able to get for the story is a rousing "No comment" from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, Sheeba Farms to Elat. The US will go crazy with paranoia. The Arab nations will be enraged. Ahmadinnerjacket will be holed up somewhere in a spider-hole tighter than Saddam's. And a year later, the CIA will issue a benignly-worded press release giving Israel the credit for it all. And what will Israel say? Tell me, what's Hebrew for, "Duh"?
Why do I know this? Why am I so confident? Why do I not shake in the face of missile tests? See ref. note under "Elijah" that reads: Our G-d Always Wins.
Labels: Bomb, Iran, Israel, Zionism
posted by Shoshana @ 6:18 PM