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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9


Admin Note:I need to seriously update the graphics and links on this blog. Hopefully time will make itself available to me this weekend to do so.

I've been experiencing an incredible disconnect this week. To be fair, the disconnect began the minute this nation elected B. Hussein to be its leader. I'm sorry; I just can't relate to or consider myself a part of a people willing to elect a candidate who has befriended Arab terrorists and agreed with their viewpoints. Can't. Won't. I don't belong here anymore.

Then came Christmas. I've always just sort of gone along with the holiday season because, well, what else am I going to do? My boss likes Christmas music and her life is hard enough, so why not? It beats the Top 40 we listen to for the rest of the year. And I like Dean Martin; he always sounds a little blitzed, as if the martinis were free-flowing in the studio, and when you work customer service, you need a martini, so I can find humor in that. But, this year... it was different. Santa always plows around Christmas Eve on the town fire truck to wave to the kiddies. There we are, with our electric menorahs in our front windows, waving to Santa-- it's the nice thing to do when you live in a small town where everyone knows everyone, right? Santa and his crew see our menorahs-- and ignore us. Completely. That's never happened before. Ever. I don't belong here anymore.

This week, I'm listening to people gab on about their personal lives and watching "news" about Obama-- what the kids are wearing to school, what he's going to do about the economy (which, to most economists, is not as much of an issue anymore- just ask the proprietors of, what he wore (or didn't wear) while he was in Hawaii-- and I'm thinking to myself, "There's a WAR on, people! Don't you get it?!" And I realize-- they don't. I'm sucked to the news, mentally screaming at CNN, digesting liveblogging before and after work when I can get online, and praying my heart out for the IDF... and everyone else is worried about the "Inauguration" of the guy Dave the Mailman cynically calls "the messiah". Complete and total disconnect. I don't belong here anymore.

I watched a great interview on Shalom TV last night (Comcast Digital Cable channel-- check with your local provider) with one of the Editors of the JPost (whose name I can't recall at the moment, but will post later) who was born in America, visited Israel in the 70s and decided he wanted to live there, and finally made aliyah in 1998. He couldn't make aliyah until then for a variety of personal and professional reasons-- understandable, of course, but all the while I'm thinking to myself... I don't want to wait that long. I belong there not here but... I have logical personal reasons holding me back, too, like family, work, etc.

Perhaps this disconnect I'm having is all part of the process. Perhaps you need to live in disconnect for a while to really get in touch with your aliyah motivation. G-d knows, it isn't easy to make aliyah, and just because you do doesn't mean you'll find the connections you're looking for. Ten years in, and this JPost Editor remarked that he is still treated as an "outsider" to a degree. Perhaps that is what the "disconnect" feeling is all about-- teaching you how to feel like an outsider so that, by the time you get to Israel, you simply don't care what anyone else thinks because your conviction to be there is that strong.

More updates on news tonight. (Of course.) For now:

Sorry for the lack of links...running late for work...

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posted by Shoshana @ 7:47 AM

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