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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9

The American Gov't Turns Her Back on Israel

I am stricken by the irony of so many Christians discovering their Jewish identity in Messiah right as the American government does all but officially cut ties with the State of Israel. This is an irony all believers should keep in mind at this critical hour.

Nobody likes bad news during the holidays, but, better to rip the band-aid off in one swift pull than keep tugging at it until we're all left sore and bleeding.

Israpundit reports, U.S. blocks arms, technology to Israel. Apparently, in order to send a message of enticement to Saudi Arabia, the State and Defense Departments have put into place a policy of "examination" when it comes to approving any Israeli requests for armaments and military technology. This "unofficial suspension of U.S. arms deliveries began in late September" with no real explanation. The Israeli requests "were meant to replenish munitions and other stocks in preparation for a larger war that would include Syria in mid-2007."

The refusals to share weapons have resulted in a chill in military cooperation between the United States and Israel. "In November, the Israel Air Force canceled plans to send delegations to the United States to examine air systems and munitions." While this may not sound like much to Americans, they should know that the Israeli military is one of the most technologically adept fighting forces in the world; they possess the technology and the guts to use it. After 9/11, many city, state, and federal law enforcement agents were trained in anti-terror tactics by Israeli soldiers; whose to say how much our military has learned and could learn from this amazing fighting force?

The vague excuse the American government has for not sharing weapons, technology, or defense intelligence with Israel is this: that the Israeli government and military disappointed the US with their recent "loss" against Hizbullah. This reasoning doesn't hold water when one recalls the Bush Administration calling for an immediate "truce" just days after two Israeli soldiers were kidnapped by the Muslim animals, and the fact that the Administration not only proceeded to pump money into Lebanon under the guise of "rebuilding and recovery efforts" but paved the way for a negotiation that clearly benefitted Hizbullah at the expense of Israel's security and survival. Moreover, given the fact that "...sources said the State Department has prevented the transfer of data and technology, even from projects that included Israeli participation," it is clear that a lack of confidence in Israel is not the cause for Israel's change in favor among U.S. officials.

This is more than a public relations move meant to "assuage" Saudi Arabia. This is clear-cut anti-Israelism at the highest and most dangerous levels. The corroborating evidence is brought to light in the next article in the Israpundit lineup, America, the Treachorous?, an extensive yet informative read that is well-worth the time. In essence, the author argues that America will exit Iraq at the expense of Israel; while bowing in fear to Islam, America will use its power to force Israel into giving away more land (namely, Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem) in order to appease the Arab powers in the region. The evidence is clear:
Immediately following the publishing of the [Iraq Study Group - Baker Hamilton] report, several disturbing events occurred:

-James Baker proposed a US-organized conference dubbed Madrid-2, promoted as a forum to discuss Iraq but will actually focus on Islamic demands for a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Judea, Jerusalem, Samaria and the Golan. Iran and Syria will be invited to the conference. Israel will not.

-Newly appointed US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates characterized Iran's nuclear weapons program as motivated by deterrence against a nuclear armed Israel. Never mind that Ahmadinejad and Iran's rulers have stated their intent to "wipe Israel off the map" in the very near future.

-Without consulting the Israeli government, Washington officially disclosed Israel's possession of nuclear weapons. [And Olmert complied with the revelation by performing one of his own on German television only days later. -Ed. Note]

- Newly empowered Congressional Democrats are secretly meeting with Hamas.

The sheer brazenness of the American treachery is staggering.
The author's concluding reasoning is this: HaShem gave America a stern warning against forcing the Jews out of their land when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast days after the pullout from Gaza in 2005. Therefore, America should heed this warning and start loving Israel before it is too late. Theological/Revelatory/End Times arguements aside, the author's point screams validity. The American Government has clearly decided not only to turn her back on Israel, but to use her as the sacrifical lamb on the altar of global Islam.

Are you, as an American, willing to let that happen? Are you, as a citizen of a representative democracy, willing to sign your name and your vote to this choice? We have been willed by the powers that be in the government, in academia, and in the media, to believe that we hold no sway over these situations. But we do; we live in the most freedom-filled country in the world, and yet, as a people, we are the most willing to give our freedom away. Were it solely up to Americans, this country and the nation of Israel would be lost.

But, it isn't up to Americans; it is up to HaShem. And, as His servants, His light unto the world, it is also up to us. No one understands that more clearly than the Jews:
In other words, thank God for Christian Zionists. Like it or not, the future of the relationship between Israel and the US might very well hinge far less on America’s Jews than on its Christians. --Right On!: In praise of Christian Zionists Michael Freund, JPost
Do you understand the magnitude of this? Do you understand that, although Mr. Freund does not proclaim faith in Yeshua, he is still performing his role as a light, a leader to the nations, by showing believers in America what an important role we have to play in this critical hour? We Messianics MUST be determined to look past the semantics of the situation and get to the point, but quick: As believers in Yeshua, we are subject to the same rules and regulations as non-believing Jews who live in the land of Israel proper. This means that we are called not only to lead a Torah lifestyle in faith, but in word and deed as well. Nowhere is this made more clear than in our Adonai-defined relationship with the land and the people of Israel. We are not slaves of the nation, yet we are slaves of Moshiach, the shamas of Israel. We must labor in love, as He did, over our people and our land.

Now is where the covenant of Ruth will truly be put to the test. Will we, as Messianics, be willing to step out of our comfort zones in support of our people and our nation at this hour? Will we be willing to take the bold step of identifying with Israel in the first person, not as casual observers related by the loose ties of religious history, but as fellow sharers in the covenant of Sinai? Will we be willing to see our relationship to our land and people as HaShem defines it, not as others define it, whether they are preists or pastors, Rabbis, or non-believing Jews? Will we be willing to live by Adonai's will and not our own or that of third parties-- governments, religions, denominations? In other words, are we going to stop staring at G-d's perspective and start living it, before it is too late?

We have a responsibility to Adonai and to each other to stand up and speak out for what is right at this critical hour. We cannot shut our eyes to the truth of what is happening in the world around us, and we cannot submit ourselves to what we know to be wrong. We must be strong and we must unite together for Israel and as Israel. We must set aside the semantics of our faith and trust that our works, our deeds, will be the ultimate definition of who we are, and the true witness to the truth of who Messiah is.

We must support Israel because we are Israel. Until we understand this in its totality, we have lost the fight.

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posted by Shoshana @ 9:15 AM


At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Many Jews in the 2004 election (Messianic Rabbi Karl Werner being just one of them) voted for Bush instead of Kerry for no other reason than because they believed Bush might support Israel. Fat chance, eh?

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Shoshana said...

I believe it was more of a question of voting for the lesser of two evils than anything else. Early on, Kerry's platform contained plans for arming a Palestinian military and declaring a Palestinian state on Israeli land-- something that was promptly removed from his website the minute he won the primaries.

The important thing to learn in all of this is that, despite what the major media would like you to think, it is NOT "all about Bush." He is a figurehead. According to the Constitution, he has the least amount of power in the government. Just because he is the effigy the media burns at every complaint doesn't mean Bush has the power to actually do anything to change the situation. Everything must be voted on by Congress, and any decision Bush announces is made by his cabinet and close advisors. Look behind the curtain and you'll find there's more than one person there calling the shots. It's like Dr. Eugene Narrett explained on Israel National Radio once; the American people are very pro-Israel, whereas the American government is not.

It isn't about Bush. It's about Israel, and America's relationship with Israel. We must keep this our focus and hold all government officials accountable for their anti-Israel actions.


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