All the News that's Fit to Print
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Full Disclosure: I dislike John Kerry. A lot. He's an embarassment as a human being. And, in my book, the Swift Boat Veterans had every single right to publicize his shameful behavior to the world, and thank G-d they did-- at least there are a few people left who don't mind telling the truth when it counts. That being said:
"John F. Kerry has been mentioned as a potential Secretary of State in an administration led by - God forbid - Barack Hussein Obama."
But, on the bright side:
"According to a report in the Politico, Republican Presidential nominee John Sidney McCain is vetting Virginia Republican Representative Eric Cantor as a possible running mate."
Need important American political news quickly? Check out Israeli blogs. Duh.
Israpundit has become practically nothing more than a glorified laundry-list of Obama's campaign foul-ups. I dislike reprinting all of them here because, IMHO, if you're an informed voter, you already know most of this stuff. However, some things are just too fantastic not to garner special attention, like this letter from one Obama staffer to an Obama fan who posts on the campaign website:
"Hi [EMK],
Thank you so much for your involvement in the My.BarackObama online community. Your voice is valued here; however, we were forced to remove your recent blog post that referred to the "Jewish lobby." Please use the more specific and accurate term "Israel lobby." We appreciate your understanding and hope that you continue to be active in our online community.
Obama for America"
Wait, wait, let me guess. Hitler got a similar telegraph from Henry Ford in the 1920's, after receiving the future Dictator's "Letter to the Editor" for the Dearborn Independent.
Full Disclosure: I dislike Nancy Pelosi.
Fuller Disclosure: I dislike all Democrats in general. I'm not a Republican; I just dislike Democrats.
House Speaker adjourns Congress to prevent debate on offshore drilling that could give U.S. relief from oil prices.
I hope Pelosi freezes inside her hybrid this winter.
Missouri Cherokee Tribes proclaim Jewish Heritage This doesn't totally surprise me. As a fan of old book shops, I've come across more than one worn volume from the 1800s about the Cherokee people being the "lost tribe" or "13th tribe" of Abraham. I'm not quite sure how justifiable the claims are, since many of them are based in missionary-interpretations of Cherokee culture, but in this particular case, the claim is actually coming from the Cherokee people themselves. So, who knows? My only question is, if my ancestors belonged to another tribe, does that mean I'm really at war with myself?
And, finally, filed under the "Whoop-dee-Doo, We Knew This Five Years Ago" Column:
I like to do a lot of outlining in this blog. I copy and paste headline after headline, then I step back and take a good hard look and, hopefully, with the help of HaShem's wisdom, I'm able to connect the dots.
Now, it's your turn.
Labels: American elections, Cherokee, Israel, Jewish, Obama
posted by Shoshana @ 9:24 PM