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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9

The Walls are Tumbling

Is the Leftist media stoned? Or is it just the Leftist politicians?

Via Ha'aretz: Barak and Livni disagree with Olmert, want quick end to Gaza fighting
Livni contends that continuing the offensive could harm the deterrence it has achieved so far and damage Israel diplomatically. Barak objects mainly to inserting ground troops deep into densely populated areas of Gaza. For his part, Olmert told the full cabinet Sunday that stopping Operation Cast Lead now would be a missed opportunity.
So that's where all the Kool Aid went...

Seriously, though, is this doublespeak? Because I don't see an end to this war in the near future.

Today, A Soldier's Mother wrote, "The danger and the wonder of the Internet is that you cannot hide nearly as easily as you think." Man, is that true. There are too many of us out there talking up the truth. We know we aren't the minority any more. Moreover, and more importantly, we know we aren't the crazy ones. I don't care how many degrees, titles, and recognitions you have behind your name-- you start portraying a bunch of lunatic baby killers who hide behind women and old people as "victims" of any kind, you're freaking nuts.

The truth is, a new reality is unfolding in this world. The old power structures are being broken down: people are starting to question the mainstream media, the academic world, and government leaders who act as nothing more than power-broking bookies behind the scenes.

And, perhaps, finally, some people are waking up and realizing that the problems we now face are not the fault of Israel or the Jewish people after all.

Huh. Go figure.

To paraphrase the words of one great freedom-fighter, I say to all lovers of freedom across the globe: KEEP BREAKING DOWN THE WALLS.

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posted by Shoshana @ 2:01 PM

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