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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9

Administrative Notification

I've prayed about it and have decided to change the way comments can be posted on this blog. Originally, I established a moderation process for comments because of the continual nuisance of spammers leaving advertisements in the comment section of my posts. I also prefer to moderate comments so that I may be aware of new comments made, in order to respond to them in a prompt fashion. Recent scheduling issues, which have afforded me less time to blog than I'd like, have caused a backup in comment publication and, as a result, miscommunication between this blog and its readers.

Now, instead of leaving a comment, I would ask that any reader who wishes to comment on any topic email their comments to theunifiedbody AT yahoo DOT com. That way, I can cultivate all comments into a digest posting once a week. This will enable me to both publish and comment all remarks at the same time, which is much easier for me to do, instead of waiting to publish each individual comment when I have time to read and respond.

So, once again, don't hesitate to email your comments to: theunifiedbody AT yahoo DOT com. Thanks so much for reading!

posted by Shoshana @ 5:50 PM

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