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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9

The Truth Will Set You Free

'Hamas agrees to Turkish force in Rafah' [JPost]

"Hamas would agree to a Turkish deployment of forces because it "harbors respect to Turkey as an Islamic nation," a Hamas source told the paper."

Yeah, right. I knew a secular Turkish muslim once. She managed to convince a white American kid with a college degree that the Joooozzz controlled the media. "Secular" my tuchus. Hamas proves my point: There are no secular muslims.

Editor's Notes: The foulest fight David Horovitz, JPost:

"But still, the repeated direction of Jewish fire-power into Islam's places of worship, one might have assumed, would inflame the Arab world and its supporters into an orgy of anti-Israel fury.

As of this writing, that hasn't happened.

And it hasn't happened because the Islamists know they've been found out.

...As regards the mosques, by contrast, Israel's declaration that it is firing on them because they are hubs of Hamas terrorism has met with no emphatic denials, no aggrieved assertions from Hamas clerics that their buildings are innocent places of humble worship, no pleas to the international community to enter the buildings and document their purity."

Assertions easily made from this important point:

1. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a thin veil being used by a death cult bent on world and self-destruction, starting with Israel and the Jewish people.

2. Islam is not about making converts in order to win them over to a joyful eternal life; it is about using people as human shields and their "houses of worship" as weapon/bomb storage facilities. These are not churches and synagogues, people: Stop thinking of them as such.

3. This war is not about the establishment of a caliphate of dhimmis: It is about the destruction of Israel and the world, meaning simply that Muslims don't want to gather, worship, or live a sovereign life. They want to destroy, destroy, destroy, period.

The destruction has to begin with Israel because Israel is the literal, physical evidence that a loving, benevolent G-d who created and respects human free will exists and desires to enter into a positive, life-giving relationship with all those who seek Him out. Destroy Israel and you destroy the physical evidence of G-d, or so the theory goes. Once Israel is gone, so is the proof of G-d, free will, liberty, and justice for all: So the muslims can be free to use as many human shields as they want. There is vast evidence that already proves they have no problem killing their own-- what makes you think they'll stop if they "wipe" Israel off the map? Who are you kidding?

The truth is revealing itself and the battle, as a result, is getting simpler and simpler all the time. World governing bodies be damned: Israel must fight and fight to win. And all of those who love freedom need to get this lipstick-case-turned-bullet mentality in their heads: Israel must win and Israel must survive for all of our sakes-- lest there be no one left.

Baruch haShem-- Adonai fights for Israel!

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posted by Shoshana @ 11:23 AM

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