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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9

Cease? Are you SERIOUS?

Livni, in a move deemed by the JPost as a homage to Sharon, propses that "Israel - when it feels it has accomplished its military goals (and she has never defined exactly what they would be) - should simply cease fire, leave Gaza without any agreements, and warn that if the Palestinians dare fire one more rocket on Israel, the IDF would go in with even greater force."

The JPost explains Sharon's 2005 pre-pullout logic:

"What did Sharon say at the time? He said Israel should do what's good for it, withdraw completely from Gaza, and then have all the legitimacy in the world to pound the Palestinians if they had the temerity to fire at Israel.

He didn't want any agreements with the Palestinians, not believing they would be upheld or were necessary. The Palestinians would not fire on Israel, he wrongly thought, because of the fear of Israel's response - thus, no agreement was needed."

which happens to mirror Livni's attitude:

"'I am not looking for agreements with Hamas. If they do fire, we'll do this again, and big time. This is what we're capable of, and this is the way to fight terror,' Livni said Sunday at a press conference with visiting German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

'A military operation ends when deterrence has been achieved, with them knowing that if it happens again, what they saw now is only a taste of what they'll see later,' she said."

and here, as the JPost points out, is the caveat: Livni promises power, but fears producing results-- why? International pressure, of course:

"The only catch was that it didn't happen. Israel left Gaza to the last Jew, but the rockets continued to fall, Gilad Schalit was kidnapped, and Israel did not respond with all its might, partly because it did not think it had the international legitimacy it had been touting." [Emphasis Mine]

Apparently, this fear of "international legitimacy" extends to Jews worldwide, in Livni's opinion. In another JPost article, "Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has expressed concern over "a wave of anti-Semitic attacks" faced by Jewish communities worldwide."

Okay, so somehow not fighting against anti-Semites is a better strategy? Sure. Just ask those 6 million European Jews and their descendants...oh, wait, you can't, can you?

This is a warning to all Israeli voters. If you vote Livni in the upcoming elections you'll be facing this battle over and over and over and over and over again. Hamas has already vowed the destruction of Israel. Therefore, anything less than a complete destruction of Hamas, which includes the rightful re-taking of Israeli land, would render this battle a complete waste. Not to mention, this tact is in complete disregard to thousands of Livni's constituents who have faced rocket attacks for the past 5 or more years, thanks to her predecessor's brilliant decision-making. When it comes to Livni: JUST SAY 'LO'!

Barak, on the other hand, wants any long-term cease-fire to involve Egyptian monitoring of tunnels. This is linked to an unsubstantiated belief that the monitoring will somehow stop the smuggling of weapons, arms, and other Hamas "services" into Gaza. But, of course, Barak also has personal reasons for promoting Egyptian involvement:

"Part of the reason for Barak's interest in an agreement with Egypt is because he is running the Egyptian channel, through Amos Gilad at the Defense Ministry, while the Foreign Ministry is largely out of the loop.

As such, if an agreement is brokered through the Egyptians, he could take political credit for it." [Emphasis mine]

Yeah. He can also take political credit for nearly ceding 97% of the West Bank to Arafat during this chick's husband's White House run, thereby causing the Second Intifada. (Or third, or fourth...I can't keep track. Point being: He's useless.)

As for now, Barak would also like a "week-long humanitarian cease-fire" so Hamas can fire more rockets freely...because three hours a day doesn't give them enough of an advantage. Fool. Idiot. I need to learn disparaging epithets in Hebrew.

Meanwhile, Olmert wants to continue on, but is facing pressure from Livni, Barak, Obama and the world:

"While the prime minister might want to continue for a variety of other reasons, including wiping out the memory of the Second Lebanon War, he realizes that the world is starting to close in; the visit Thursday of UN General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon is expected to increase the pressure on Israel to agree to a cease-fire.

Olmert is also looking at the calendar and realizes that January 20, the day when Barack Obama becomes president of the United States, is only a week away.

The outgoing premier will not want to greet the new president on his first day in office with an uncomfortable quandary: how to relate to Gaza without infuriating the Arabs, alienating US allies in Europe, or antagonizing Israel."

You know what? Israel does not have a responsibility to the U.N. or the U.S. The governing bodies of both have tried to destroy her--especially over the past four years. Stop! Stop even considering these nations and their governments as factors! It is absurd! Until Israel ceases to cave to international pressure she will face continual wars. Haven't we learned that yet?

Moreover, and here's the pure, Biblical truth of it: Egypt is not a reliable negotiating partner! Why do you think the prophet Ezekiel spent so much time talking about Egypt being a BAD, UNRELIABLE negotiating partner? Egypt didn't even so much as spit at the Biblical governments of Israel! Ezekiel wasn't talking about his contemporaries, people-- Egypt had no official treaty or talks with Israel since Yosef until 1979.

"Then all who live in Egypt will know that I am Adonai, because they have been a support made of straw for the house of Israel. When they grasped your hand, you splintered and threw all their shoulders out of joint; when they leaned on you, you broke and make them all wrench their backs." (29:6-7)

And Barak along with the rest of the world wants Israel to rely on Egypt and stop fighting the people dedicated to their destruction. What's Hebrew for NUTS?

Wake up, Israel! Stand strong! Demand results from your government that will achieve peace: The complete and total destruction of Hamas and the Israeli re-inhabiting of Gush Katif. This is your heritage and your right. Stand up for yourselves, because no one else will-- no one else but Adonai Himself. And, really, why would you want to turn your back on Him? In the hopes that you get invited to the Barack Obama tea party?

Please. Pardon me while I go vomit.

"Relying on Egypt is like using a broken stick as a staff--when you lean on it, it punctures your hand." Isaiah 36:6

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posted by Shoshana @ 7:22 AM

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